Roman People > Carthaginian People

Carthaginian People

Adherbal (admiral) Adherbal (governor of Gades) Carthalo Dido Hamilcar (Drepanum) Hamilcar Barca Hannibal Barca Hannibal Gisco Hannibal Monomachus Hannibal the Rhodian Hanno the Elder Hanno the Great Hanno the Navigator Hanno, son of Bomilcar Hasdrubal Barca Hasdrubal Gisco Hasdrubal the Boetharch Hasdrubal the Fair Hasdrubal (quartermaster) Himilco Mago (agricultural writer) Mago Barca Maharbal SophonisbaAeneas tells Dido the misfortunes of the Trojan city. Oil on canvas, 1815.Illustrations from Mommsen's "Römische Geschichte" page 265, HannibalHannibal Barca counting the rings of the Roman knights killed at the Battle of Cannae (216 BC). Marble, 1704.


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